Developing a New Electronic Product in 2023?

The market for connected products and IoT devices is experiencing substantial growth, with everything from coffee makers to sporting goods now being linked to the web. Consequently, development teams must synchronize mechanical design services and electronics engineering alongside firmware development.

Navigating firmware engineering is complex and fraught with potential risks associated with programming for advanced feature sets. Such complexities introduce uncertainties into product development projects, and more often than not, budget and timeline setbacks stem from firmware issues rather than electrical or engineering challenges.

To address these common firmware engineering problems, developers can take three essential steps:

Exercise Caution with Incomplete Code Libraries:

Firmware development, whether for consumer or industrial electronics, poses risks to development timelines and costs. Typically, the process commences by selecting a package from the chip manufacturer’s code library to serve as a foundation for project expansion. However, many developers have encountered incomplete or buggy code libraries from manufacturers, leading to unforeseen delays or changes later in the development or testing phases. Identifying and addressing these issues early in the development process is crucial.

Continuously Learn New Hardware or Focus on a Single Platform:

Chipsets from various manufacturers come with their advantages and disadvantages. While using multiple platforms within a development team may seem advantageous, it often leads to inefficiencies. Managing different platforms’ capabilities, constraints, and library quality consumes valuable time. It is advisable to choose a single platform that aligns with the specific needs of your products or projects. For example, Nordic Semiconductor systems offer robust features suitable for consumer and industrial IoT products, facilitating streamlined development with BLE, Wi-Fi, and NFC communications.

Optimize Efforts by Timing Feature Development:

Firmware developers often face challenges when developing code based on the functionality of the final production. This becomes problematic when firmware development needs to align with parallel electronics and mechanical design services actions subject to revisions. Instead of coding with the end state in mind, developers should align with the overall project plan, planning for multiple iterations of the product and firmware. This approach ensures that efforts are optimized and features are incrementally included throughout the project, avoiding unnecessary time and expense.

By implementing these steps, developers can refine their processes, eliminate inefficiencies, and accelerate the development of connected products and IoT devices. Please reach out if you wish to explore our approach or discuss your electronic product development project.

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